Goldman Sachs Salaries

1481 verified profiles
Last updated on September 6, 2024
Average Annual Total Compensation is $177k

Employees at Goldman Sachs earn an average of $177k, mostly ranging from $130k to $492k based on 1481 profiles.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Male $187k Male
Average Salary : $ 187 k
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Female $149k Female
Average Salary : $ 149 k
πŸ§‘ Non-binary $112k Non-binary
Average Salary : $ 112 k
For every $100 paid to men, women are paid $80
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Frequently asked questions
How much do Goldman Sachs employees make?

Employees at Goldman Sachs earn an average of $177k, mostly ranging from $130k per year to $492k per year based on 1481 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $276k per year.

What is the average salary of Goldman Sachs?

Average salary of an employee at Goldman Sachs is $177k.

What is the highest salary offered at Goldman Sachs?

Highest reported salary offered at Goldman Sachs is $1024k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $276k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $492k per year.

What are the most common skills required at Goldman Sachs?

1% of employees have skills in computer engineering . 1% also know finance . 1% also know economics .

What are the highest paying jobs at Goldman Sachs?

The top 5 highest paying jobs at Goldman Sachs with reported salaries are:

  • software engineering manager - $330k per year

  • solution architect - $264k per year

  • investment banker - $238k per year

  • information technologist - $228k per year

  • data scientist - $220k per year

What are the new grad salaries at Goldman Sachs?
  • software engineer - $120k per year

  • business analyst - $91k per year

  • financial analyst - $103k per year

  • investment banker - $146k per year

  • product manager - $98k per year

Explore all new grad salaries

Which are the top locations?
What is the median salary offered at Goldman Sachs?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $154k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees at Goldman Sachs?

19% of employees lie between 26-31 yrs . 11% of the employees fall in the age group of 31-36 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have at Goldman Sachs?

16% hold a PostGraduate degree. 16% hold a Graduate degree.

Which schools do employees working at Goldman Sachs went to?

2% of employees studied at Columbia University . 1% studied at New York University .

Frequently asked questions
How much do Goldman Sachs employees make?

Employees at Goldman Sachs earn an average of $177k, mostly ranging from $130k per year to $492k per year based on 1481 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $276k per year.

What is the average salary of Goldman Sachs?

Average salary of an employee at Goldman Sachs is $177k.

What is the highest salary offered at Goldman Sachs?

Highest reported salary offered at Goldman Sachs is $1024k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $276k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $492k per year.

What are the most common skills required at Goldman Sachs?

1% of employees have skills in computer engineering . 1% also know finance . 1% also know economics .

What are the highest paying jobs at Goldman Sachs?

The top 5 highest paying jobs at Goldman Sachs with reported salaries are:

  • software engineering manager - $330k per year

  • solution architect - $264k per year

  • investment banker - $238k per year

  • information technologist - $228k per year

  • data scientist - $220k per year

What are the new grad salaries at Goldman Sachs?
  • software engineer - $120k per year

  • business analyst - $91k per year

  • financial analyst - $103k per year

  • investment banker - $146k per year

  • product manager - $98k per year

Explore all new grad salaries

Which are the top locations?
What is the median salary offered at Goldman Sachs?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $154k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees at Goldman Sachs?

19% of employees lie between 26-31 yrs . 11% of the employees fall in the age group of 31-36 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have at Goldman Sachs?

16% hold a PostGraduate degree. 16% hold a Graduate degree.

Which schools do employees working at Goldman Sachs went to?

2% of employees studied at Columbia University . 1% studied at New York University .

Salary Brackets
< 100 k < 100 k
Percentage : 9
100-200 k 100-200 k
Percentage : 36
200-300 k 200-300 k
Percentage : 14
300-400 k 300-400 k
Percentage : 4
400-500 k 400-500 k
Percentage : 1
> 500 k > 500 k
Percentage : 1
Age Brackets
21-26 yrs 21-26 yrs
Percentage : 1
26-31 yrs 26-31 yrs
Percentage : 19
31-36 yrs 31-36 yrs
Percentage : 11
36-41 yrs 36-41 yrs
Percentage : 2
> 41 yrs > 41 yrs
Percentage : 0
computer engineering
1 %
1 %
1 %
1 %
1 %
computer science
0 %
0 %
Columbia University
2 %
New York University
1 %
New Jersey Institute of Technology
1 %
Uttar Pradesh Technical University
1 %
Visveswaraiah Technological University
1 %
Brigham Young University
1 %
University of Pennsylvania
1 %
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