JobGPT - Auto Apply to Jobs While You Sleep

JobGPT is an AI job search automation platform that auto applies to jobs on your behalf, even while you sleep!
Automate boring job applications and land multiple offers ridiculously fast.

Auto Apply using AI

Simply create your profile once. JobGPT then finds relevant jobs and applies for you automatically everyday.
Want more control? Handpick the jobs you want it to apply instead.

Save precious hours of filling tedious job applications and focus on your preparation while our AI does all the work.

Personalized Cover letters Everytime

JobGPT creates custom cover letters for every job it applies, depending on the company & position, personalized to your profile. It also answers every question tailored to your specific resume.

'What makes you a good fit for this company?' - Let the AI agent figure that out.
'Tell me your technical strengths' - JobGPT has it covered.
Never write another painful long answer again!

Track Job applications like a pro

Track applications that are queued or have been applied with the Jobhunt view. Think of it as a JIRA board, but for your jobs.
From applications to interviews and offers, monitor each stage of your job hunt. Stay in control!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Auto Apply work?
Once you create your profile and upload your resume, the JobGPT agent searches through job listings across various platforms for the most relevant jobs. It then automatically fills out application forms on your behalf, attaches your resume, and even crafts personalized cover letters tailored to each job and company.
Its like your very own conceirge for jobs.