React.js Salaries

42 verified profiles
Last updated on September 27, 2024
Average Annual Total Compensation is $179k

Employees who know React.js earn an average of $179k, mostly ranging from $148k to $374k based on 42 profiles.

👨‍💻 Male $198k Male
Average Salary : $ 198 k
👩‍💻 Female $80k Female
Average Salary : $ 80 k
For every $100 paid to men, women are paid $40
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Salary Profiles
Annual Salary

Base: $186k

Stocks: -

Bonus: $15k


Bachelors in biology

Works in Austin, TX

Base: $189k

Stocks: $19k

Bonus: -


Masters in information technology

Works in New York City

Base: $82k

Stocks: $9k

Bonus: $9k


Masters in human computer interaction

Works in Monterey, California, United States

User Research Client Engagement Problem Solving Digital Solutions User-centered Design Telehealth (Show More) Product Demonstration Customer Relations B2c Marketing B2b Marketing Sales Strategy Case Management Behavioral Health Financial Oversight Expense Reports Interdisciplinary Collaboration Applied Behavior Analysis Client Relations Data-driven Decision Making Cross-team Collaboration Miro(software) Design Systems Interfaces Mac Storytelling Visual Design Ios Interaction Design Jquery React.js Css Flexbox Web Development Javascript Html5 Sketch App Front-end Development Human Computer Interaction Site Maps Mockups Collaboration Tools Responsive Web Design Conducting Usability Studies Sketching And Ideating User Experience (Uxr) Technical Requirements Business Solution Business Analysis Analytical Skills Web Design Experience Design User Experience Design (Ued) User Interface Design Cascading Style Sheets (Css) Html A/b Testing Prototyping Research Skills Figma Miro Collaboration Platform Wireframing Microsoft Excel M

Base: $114k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -


Masters in computer science

Works in San Jose, California, United States

Base: $146k

Stocks: $62k

Bonus: -


Masters in electrical and computer engineering

Works in Newark, New Jersey, United States

Base: $110k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -


Masters in computer science

Works in San Jose, California, United States

Base: $173k

Stocks: -

Bonus: $140k



Works in Seattle, Washington, United States

Base: $196k

Stocks: $170k

Bonus: $29k


Masters in computer science

Works in Seattle, Washington, United States

Base: $182k

Stocks: $102k

(Today) (26.1%) $129k

Bonus: $3k


(Today) (9.3%) $314k

Masters in computer science

Works in Mountain View, California, United States

Base: $185k

Stocks: -

Bonus: $14k


Bachelors in computer science

Works in Madison, Wisconsin

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Frequently asked questions
How much do React.js employees make?

Employees who know React.js earn an average of $179k, mostly ranging from $148k per year to $374k per year based on 42 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $290k per year.

What is the average salary of React.js?

Average salary of an employee who know React.js is $179k.

What is the highest salary offered who know React.js?

Highest reported salary offered who know React.js is $395k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $290k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $374k per year.

What are the most common skills required who know React.js?

100% of employees have skills in react.js . 0% also know javascript . 0% also know css .

What are the highest paying jobs who know React.js?

The top 5 highest paying jobs who know React.js with reported salaries are:

  • staff software engineer - $253k per year

  • senior software engineer - $206k per year

  • principal software engineer - $206k per year

  • software engineer - $171k per year

What are the new grad salaries who know React.js?
  • software engineer - $178k per year

What is the median salary offered who know React.js?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $181k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees who know React.js?

24% of employees lie between 31-36 yrs . 17% of the employees fall in the age group of 21-26 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have who know React.js?

31% hold a PostGraduate degree. 24% hold a Graduate degree.

Which schools do employees working who know React.js went to?

5% of employees studied at Anna University . 5% studied at Illinois Institute of Technology .

Frequently asked questions
How much do React.js employees make?

Employees who know React.js earn an average of $179k, mostly ranging from $148k per year to $374k per year based on 42 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $290k per year.

What is the average salary of React.js?

Average salary of an employee who know React.js is $179k.

What is the highest salary offered who know React.js?

Highest reported salary offered who know React.js is $395k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $290k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $374k per year.

What are the most common skills required who know React.js?

100% of employees have skills in react.js . 0% also know javascript . 0% also know css .

What are the highest paying jobs who know React.js?

The top 5 highest paying jobs who know React.js with reported salaries are:

  • staff software engineer - $253k per year

  • senior software engineer - $206k per year

  • principal software engineer - $206k per year

  • software engineer - $171k per year

What are the new grad salaries who know React.js?
  • software engineer - $178k per year

What is the median salary offered who know React.js?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $181k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees who know React.js?

24% of employees lie between 31-36 yrs . 17% of the employees fall in the age group of 21-26 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have who know React.js?

31% hold a PostGraduate degree. 24% hold a Graduate degree.

Which schools do employees working who know React.js went to?

5% of employees studied at Anna University . 5% studied at Illinois Institute of Technology .

Salary Brackets
< 100 k < 100 k
Percentage : 10
100-200 k 100-200 k
Percentage : 26
200-300 k 200-300 k
Percentage : 21
300-400 k 300-400 k
Percentage : 7
Age Brackets
21-26 yrs 21-26 yrs
Percentage : 17
26-31 yrs 26-31 yrs
Percentage : 12
31-36 yrs 31-36 yrs
Percentage : 24
36-41 yrs 36-41 yrs
Percentage : 2
100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
Anna University
5 %
Illinois Institute of Technology
5 %
University of Maryland
5 %
University of Washington
5 %
5 %
Academy of Interactive Entertainment
2 %
Arizona State University
2 %
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