Salary Profiles
Annual Salary

Base: $180k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Bachelor's in computer engineering

Works in Mountain View, CA

Lives in san jose (95129)

Base: $160k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in telecommunications engineering

Works in New York, NY

Base: $156k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in information systems engineering

Works in Redmond, WA

Base: $155k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in computer science

Works in REDMOND, WA

Base: $162k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in accounting and information systems

Works in Menlo Park, CA

Lives in san jose (95125)

Base: $160k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Bachelor's in mechanical engineering (engineering related)

Works in Redmond, WA

Lives in sammamish (98074)

Base: $153k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Bachelor's in electronic engineering (engineering related)

Works in Redmond, WA

Lives in kirkland (98034)

Base: $158k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Bachelor's in computer engineering (engineering related)

Works in Redmond, WA

Base: $175k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in physics

Works in Redmond, WA

Lives in redmond (98052)

Base: $180k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Bachelor's in computer engineering (engineering related)

Works in San Francisco, CA

100% real time & verified!

Showing only 50 profiles out of 2613. Upgrade to view elite profiles
Frequently asked questions
How much do Information Systems employees make?

Employees who know Information Systems earn an average of $123k, mostly ranging from $116k per year to $185k per year based on 2613 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $151k per year.

What is the average salary of Information Systems?

Average salary of an employee who know Information Systems is $123k.

What is the highest salary offered who know Information Systems?

Highest reported salary offered who know Information Systems is $274k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $151k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $185k per year.

What are the most common skills required who know Information Systems?

100% of employees have skills in information systems . 0% also know engineering . 0% also know mathematics .

What are the highest paying jobs who know Information Systems?

The top 5 highest paying jobs who know Information Systems with reported salaries are:

  • principal program manager - $202k per year

  • advisory senior manager - $201k per year

  • principal software engineer - $185k per year

  • operations research scientist - $183k per year

  • software engineer applications - $179k per year

What is the median salary offered who know Information Systems?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $124k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees who know Information Systems?

40% of employees lie between 26-31 yrs . 26% of the employees fall in the age group of 21-26 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have who know Information Systems?

52% of employees have a PostGraduate degree. 43% hold a Graduate degree.

Which schools do employees working who know Information Systems went to?

2% of employees studied at University of Southern California . 2% studied at Anna University .

Frequently asked questions
How much do Information Systems employees make?

Employees who know Information Systems earn an average of $123k, mostly ranging from $116k per year to $185k per year based on 2613 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $151k per year.

What is the average salary of Information Systems?

Average salary of an employee who know Information Systems is $123k.

What is the highest salary offered who know Information Systems?

Highest reported salary offered who know Information Systems is $274k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $151k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $185k per year.

What are the most common skills required who know Information Systems?

100% of employees have skills in information systems . 0% also know engineering . 0% also know mathematics .

What are the highest paying jobs who know Information Systems?

The top 5 highest paying jobs who know Information Systems with reported salaries are:

  • principal program manager - $202k per year

  • advisory senior manager - $201k per year

  • principal software engineer - $185k per year

  • operations research scientist - $183k per year

  • software engineer applications - $179k per year

What is the median salary offered who know Information Systems?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $124k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees who know Information Systems?

40% of employees lie between 26-31 yrs . 26% of the employees fall in the age group of 21-26 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have who know Information Systems?

52% of employees have a PostGraduate degree. 43% hold a Graduate degree.

Which schools do employees working who know Information Systems went to?

2% of employees studied at University of Southern California . 2% studied at Anna University .

Salary Brackets
50-75 k 50-75 k
Percentage : 6
75-100 k 75-100 k
Percentage : 10
100-125 k 100-125 k
Percentage : 36
125-150 k 125-150 k
Percentage : 36
150-175 k 150-175 k
Percentage : 9
175-200 k 175-200 k
Percentage : 2
> 200 k > 200 k
Percentage : 0
Age Brackets
21-26 yrs 21-26 yrs
Percentage : 26
26-31 yrs 26-31 yrs
Percentage : 40
31-36 yrs 31-36 yrs
Percentage : 21
36-41 yrs 36-41 yrs
Percentage : 6
> 41 yrs > 41 yrs
Percentage : 2
information systems
100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
unit testing
0 %
0 %
0 %
University of Southern California
2 %
Anna University
2 %
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
2 %
University of Waterloo
2 %
University of Mumbai
1 %
Carnegie Mellon University
1 %
University of Pune
1 %
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