Salary Profiles
Annual Salary

Base: $158k

Stocks: -

Bonus: $25k


Masters in industrial engineering(statistics & operations research)

Works in Tempe, Arizona, United States

Base: $170k

Stocks: $29k

Bonus: $16k


Masters in data science

Works in Sunnyvale, California, United States

Base: $182k

Stocks: -

Bonus: $25k



Works in St. Louis

Accessibility Analysis Business Analysis Card Sorting Contextual Inquiry Cross Functional Team Leadership (Show More) Customer Journey Mapping Debit Cards E Commerce Electronic Payments Emv Ergonomics Ethnography Experimental Design Fintech Focus Groups Heuristic Evaluation Human Computer Interaction Human Factors Human Factors Engineering Information Architecture Information Design Interaction Design Leadership Management Medical Devices Mobile Mobile Applications Mobile Commerce Mobile Devices Mobile Payments Paper Prototyping Payment Cards Payment Systems Personas Product Management Product R&d Project Management Qualitative Research Research Research Design Storyboarding Strategy Task Analysis Thought Leadership Usability Usability Design Usability Engineering Usability Testing User Centered Design User Experience User Experience Design User Interface User Interface Design Visio Wireframes

Base: $97k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in applied sociology (related to statistics)

Works in Plano, TX

Base: $97k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in statistical science

Works in Plano, TX

Lives in frisco (75034)

Base: $113k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in statistics

Works in McLean, VA

Base: $147k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in statistics

Works in McLean, VA

Lives in fairfax (22031)

Base: $118k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in technical communication* (rel'd to human computer interaction)

Works in Seattle, WA

Base: $97k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in economics

Works in Plano, TX

Base: $96k

Stocks: -

Bonus: -

Master's in statistics

Works in Mountain View, CA

Lives in san francisco (94117)

100% real time & verified!

Upgrade to view elite profiles
Frequently asked questions
How much do Experimental Design employees make?

Employees who know Experimental Design earn an average of $202k, mostly ranging from $200k per year to $215k per year based on 22 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $213k per year.

What is the average salary of Experimental Design?

Average salary of an employee who know Experimental Design is $202k.

What is the highest salary offered who know Experimental Design?

Highest reported salary offered who know Experimental Design is $215k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $213k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $215k per year.

What are the most common skills required who know Experimental Design?

100% of employees have skills in experimental design . 0% also know mathematics . 0% also know economics .

What are the highest paying jobs who know Experimental Design?

The top 5 highest paying jobs who know Experimental Design with reported salaries are:

What is the median salary offered who know Experimental Design?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $207k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees who know Experimental Design?

This group has a predominantly younger workforce. 55% of employees lie between 26-31 yrs . 9% of the employees fall in the age group of 31-36 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have who know Experimental Design?

64% of employees have a PostGraduate degree. 23% hold a PhD degree.

Which schools do employees working who know Experimental Design went to?

9% of employees studied at University of California . 5% studied at College Of Technology .

Frequently asked questions
How much do Experimental Design employees make?

Employees who know Experimental Design earn an average of $202k, mostly ranging from $200k per year to $215k per year based on 22 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than $213k per year.

What is the average salary of Experimental Design?

Average salary of an employee who know Experimental Design is $202k.

What is the highest salary offered who know Experimental Design?

Highest reported salary offered who know Experimental Design is $215k. The top 10% of employees earn more than $213k per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping $215k per year.

What are the most common skills required who know Experimental Design?

100% of employees have skills in experimental design . 0% also know mathematics . 0% also know economics .

What are the highest paying jobs who know Experimental Design?

The top 5 highest paying jobs who know Experimental Design with reported salaries are:

What is the median salary offered who know Experimental Design?

The median salary approximately calculated from salary profiles measured so far is $207k per year.

How is the age distributed among employees who know Experimental Design?

This group has a predominantly younger workforce. 55% of employees lie between 26-31 yrs . 9% of the employees fall in the age group of 31-36 yrs .

What qualifications do employees have who know Experimental Design?

64% of employees have a PostGraduate degree. 23% hold a PhD degree.

Which schools do employees working who know Experimental Design went to?

9% of employees studied at University of California . 5% studied at College Of Technology .

Salary Brackets
100-200 k 100-200 k
Percentage : 5
200-300 k 200-300 k
Percentage : 9
Age Brackets
26-31 yrs 26-31 yrs
Percentage : 55
31-36 yrs 31-36 yrs
Percentage : 9
experimental design
100 %
0 %
0 %
statistical modeling
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
University of California
9 %
College Of Technology
5 %
George Washington University
5 %
Illinois Institute of Technology
5 %
Iowa State University of Science and Technology
5 %
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University
5 %
Lehigh University
5 %
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